
Classes to define datasets.

Class Dataset

class Dataset(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: UniqueObject, CopyMixin, AuxDataMixin, TagMixin, DataSourceMixin, LabelMixin

Dataset definition providing two kinds of information:

  1. (systematic) shift-dependent, and

  2. shift-indepent information.

Independent is e.g. whether or not it contains real data, whereas shift-dependent information is e.g. the number of events in the nominal or a shifted variation. Latter information is contained in DatasetInfo objects that are stored in this class and mapped to strings. These info objects can be accessed via get_info() or via items (__getitem__). For convenience, some of the properties of the nominal DatasetInfo object are accessible on this class via forwarding.


A dataset is always measured in (real data) / created for (MC) a dedicated campaign, therefore it belongs to a Campaign object. In addition, physics processes can be linked to a dataset, therefore it has Process objects.

When info is does not contain a nominal DatasetInfo object (mapped to the key order.shift.Shift.NOMINAL, i.e., "nominal"), all kwargs are used to create one. Otherwise, it should be a dictionary matching the format of the info mapping. label and label_short are forwarded to the LabelMixin, is_data to the DataSourceMixin, tags to the TagMixin, aux to the AuxDataMixin, and name, id and context to the UniqueObject constructor.

Copy behavior

All attributes are copied except for references to linked processes. The campaign reference is kept. Also note the copy behavior of UniqueObject’s.


import order as od

campaign = od.Campaign("2017B", 1, ...)

d = od.Dataset("ttH_bb", 1,

# -> ["nominal"]

# -> 123

# -> 123

# similar to above, but set explicit info objects
d = Dataset("ttH_bb", 1,
        "nominal": {
            "keys": ["/ttHTobb_M125.../.../..."],
            "n_files": 123,
            "n_events": 456789,
        "scale_up": {
            "keys": ["/ttHTobb_M125_scaleUP.../.../..."],
            "n_files": 100,
            "n_events": 40000,

# -> ["nominal", "scale_up"]

# -> 123

# -> 123

# -> 100


type: Campaign, None

The Campaign object this dataset belongs to. When set, this dataset is also added to the dataset index of the campaign object.

type: dictionary

Mapping of shift names to DatasetInfo instances.

type: list

The dataset keys of the nominal DatasetInfo object.

type: integer

The number of files of the nominal DatasetInfo object.

type: integer

The number of events of the nominal DatasetInfo object.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child processes.

set_info(shift_name, info)

Sets an DatasetInfo object info for a given shift_name. Returns the object.


Returns the DatasetInfo object for a given shift_name.

add_process(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child process to the processes index and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info.


Removes all child processes from the processes index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

extend_processes(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child processes to the processes index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.


Returns all child processes from the processes index for context that have no child processes themselves in a recursive fashion. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

get_process(obj, deep=True, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child process given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the processes index for context. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When no process is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

has_process(obj, deep=True, context=None)

Checks if the processes index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

property has_processes

Returns True when this process has child processes, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_process

Returns True when this process has no child processes, False otherwise.

remove_process(obj, context=None, silent=False)

Removes a child process given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the processes index for context and returns the removed object. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used. Unless silent is True, an error is raised if the object was not found. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info.

walk_processes(context=None, depth_first=False, include_self=False)

Walks through the processes index for context and per iteration, yields a child process, its depth relative to this process, and its child processes in a list that can be modified to alter the walking. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used. When context is all, all indices are traversed. When depth_first is True, iterate depth-first instead of the default breadth-first. When include_self is True, also yield this process instance with a depth of 0.

Class DatasetInfo

class DatasetInfo(keys=None, n_files=-1, n_events=-1, tags=None, aux=None)

Bases: CopyMixin, AuxDataMixin, TagMixin

Container class holding information on particular dataset variations. Instances of this class are typically used in Dataset objects to store shift-dependent information, such as the number of files or events for a particular shift (e.g. nominal, scale_up, etc).


keys denote the identifiers or origins of a dataset. n_files and n_events can be used for further bookkeeping. tags are forwarded to the TagMixin, and aux to the AuxDataMixin.

Copy behavior

All attributes are copied. Also note the copy behavior of UniqueObject’s.


type: list

The dataset keys, e.g. ["/ttHTobb_M125.../.../..."].

type: integer

The number of files.

type: integer

The number of events.