
Definition of a data-taking campaign and the connection of its information to an analysis within a config.

Class Campaign

class Campaign(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: UniqueObject, CopyMixin, AuxDataMixin, TagMixin

Class that provides data that is subject to a campaign, i.e., a well-defined range of data-taking, detector alignment, MC production settings, datasets, etc. Common, generic information is available via dedicated attributes, specialized data can be stored as auxiliary data.


ecm is the center-of-mass energy, bx the bunch-crossing. tags are forwarded to the TagMixin, aux to the AuxDataMixin, name, id and context to the UniqueObject constructor.

Copy behavior

All attributes are copied except for references to contained datasets. Also note the copy behavior of UniqueObject’s.


import order as od

c = od.Campaign("2017B", 1,

d = c.add_dataset("ttH", 1)

d in c.datasets
# -> True

d.campaign == c
# -> True


type: float

The center-of-mass energy in arbitrary units.

type: float

The bunch crossing in arbitrary units.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child datasets.

add_dataset(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child dataset and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info. Also sets the campaign of the added dataset to this instance.

remove_dataset(*args, **kwargs)

Removes a child dataset. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info. Also resets the campaign of the added dataset.


Removes all child datasets from the datasets index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.

extend_datasets(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child datasets to the datasets index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.

get_dataset(obj, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child dataset given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the datasets index for context. When no dataset is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.

has_dataset(obj, context=None)

Checks if the datasets index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.

property has_datasets

Returns True when this dataset has child datasets, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_dataset

Returns True when this dataset has no child datasets, False otherwise.

Class Config

class Config(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: UniqueObject, CopyMixin, AuxDataMixin, TagMixin

Class holding analysis information that is related to a Campaign instance. Most of the analysis configuration happens here.

Besides references to the Analysis and Campaign instances it belongs to, it stores analysis datasets, processes, channels, categories, variables, and shifts in UniqueObjectIndex instances.


datasets, processes, channels, categories, variables, and shifts are initialized from constructor arguments. name, id and context are forwarded to the UniqueObject constructor. name and id default to the values of the campaign instance. Specialized data such as integrated luminosities, triggers, etc, can be stored as auxiliary data aux, which are forwarded to the AuxDataMixin. tags are forwarded to the TagMixin.

Copy behavior

Only name, id, context, auxiliary data, and references to the analysis and campaign instances are copied. Datasets, processes, channels, categories, variables and shifts are not copied! This is due to the fact that order does not try to auto-magically guess wich exact copy behavior is desired by the user. Also note the copy behavior of UniqueObject’s.


import order as od

analysis = od.Analysis("ttH", 1)
campaign = od.Campaign("data_taking_2018", 1)

# add the campaign to the analysis, which returns a new config
cfg = analysis.add_config(campaign)

cfg.name, cfg.id
# -> "data_taking_2019", 1

# start configuration

cfg.add_process("ttH_bb", 1, xsecs={13: 0.5071})

bb = cfg.add_channel("bb", 1)


cfg.add_variable("jet1_px", expression="jet1_pt * cos(jet1_phi)")

cfg.add_shift("pdf_up", type=Shift.SHAPE)

# at some point you might want to create a second config
# with other values for that campaign, e.g. for sub-measurements
cfg2 = analysis.add_config(campaign, name="sf_meausurement", id=2)


type: Campaign

The Campaign instance this config belongs to.

type: Analysis

The Analysis instance this config belongs to. When set, this config is added to the index of configs of the analysis object.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child shifts.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child variables.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child categories.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child channels.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child processes.

type: UniqueObjectIndex

The UniqueObjectIndex of child datasets.

add_category(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child category to the categories index and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info.

add_channel(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child channel to the channels index and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info.

add_dataset(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child dataset to the datasets index and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info.

add_process(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child process to the processes index and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info.

add_shift(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child shift to the shifts index and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info.

add_variable(*args, **kwargs)

Adds a child variable to the variables index and returns it. See UniqueObjectIndex.add() for more info.


Removes all child categories from the categories index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the categories index is used.


Removes all child channels from the channels index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the channels index is used.


Removes all child datasets from the datasets index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.


Removes all child processes from the processes index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.


Removes all child shifts from the shifts index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the shifts index is used.


Removes all child variables from the variables index for context. When context is None, the default_context of the variables index is used.

extend_categories(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child categories to the categories index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the categories index is used.

extend_channels(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child channels to the channels index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the channels index is used.

extend_datasets(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child datasets to the datasets index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.

extend_processes(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child processes to the processes index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

extend_shifts(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child shifts to the shifts index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the shifts index is used.

extend_variables(objs, context=None)

Adds multiple child variables to the variables index for context and returns the added objects in a list. When context is None, the default_context of the variables index is used.

get_category(obj, deep=True, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child category given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the categories index for context. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When no category is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the categories index is used.

get_channel(obj, deep=True, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child channel given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the channels index for context. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When no channel is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the channels index is used.

get_dataset(obj, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child dataset given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the datasets index for context. When no dataset is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.


Returns all child categories from the categories index for context that have no child categories themselves in a recursive fashion. When context is None, the default_context of the categories index is used.


Returns all child channels from the channels index for context that have no child channels themselves in a recursive fashion. When context is None, the default_context of the channels index is used.


Returns all child processes from the processes index for context that have no child processes themselves in a recursive fashion. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

get_process(obj, deep=True, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child process given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the processes index for context. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When no process is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

get_shift(obj, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child shift given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the shifts index for context. When no shift is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the shifts index is used.

get_variable(obj, default=no_default, context=None)

Returns a child variable given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the variables index for context. When no variable is found, default is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. When context is None, the default_context of the variables index is used.

property has_categories

Returns True when this category has child categories, False otherwise.

has_category(obj, deep=True, context=None)

Checks if the categories index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When context is None, the default_context of the categories index is used.

has_channel(obj, deep=True, context=None)

Checks if the channels index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When context is None, the default_context of the channels index is used.

property has_channels

Returns True when this channel has child channels, False otherwise.

has_dataset(obj, context=None)

Checks if the datasets index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used.

property has_datasets

Returns True when this dataset has child datasets, False otherwise.

has_process(obj, deep=True, context=None)

Checks if the processes index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. If deep is True, the lookup is recursive. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used.

property has_processes

Returns True when this process has child processes, False otherwise.

has_shift(obj, context=None)

Checks if the shifts index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. When context is None, the default_context of the shifts index is used.

property has_shifts

Returns True when this shift has child shifts, False otherwise.

has_variable(obj, context=None)

Checks if the variables index for context contains an obj which might be a name, id, or an instance. When context is None, the default_context of the variables index is used.

property has_variables

Returns True when this variable has child variables, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_category

Returns True when this category has no child categories, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_channel

Returns True when this channel has no child channels, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_dataset

Returns True when this dataset has no child datasets, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_process

Returns True when this process has no child processes, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_shift

Returns True when this shift has no child shifts, False otherwise.

property is_leaf_variable

Returns True when this variable has no child variables, False otherwise.

remove_category(obj, context=None, silent=False)

Removes a child category given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the categories index for context and returns the removed object. When context is None, the default_context of the categories index is used. Unless silent is True, an error is raised if the object was not found. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info.

remove_channel(obj, context=None, silent=False)

Removes a child channel given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the channels index for context and returns the removed object. When context is None, the default_context of the channels index is used. Unless silent is True, an error is raised if the object was not found. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info.

remove_dataset(obj, context=None, silent=False)

Removes a child dataset given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the datasets index for context and returns the removed object. When context is None, the default_context of the datasets index is used. Unless silent is True, an error is raised if the object was not found. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info.

remove_process(obj, context=None, silent=False)

Removes a child process given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the processes index for context and returns the removed object. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used. Unless silent is True, an error is raised if the object was not found. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info.

remove_shift(obj, context=None, silent=False)

Removes a child shift given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the shifts index for context and returns the removed object. When context is None, the default_context of the shifts index is used. Unless silent is True, an error is raised if the object was not found. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info.

remove_variable(obj, context=None, silent=False)

Removes a child variable given by obj, which might be a name, id, or an instance from the variables index for context and returns the removed object. When context is None, the default_context of the variables index is used. Unless silent is True, an error is raised if the object was not found. See UniqueObjectIndex.remove() for more info.

walk_categories(context=None, depth_first=False, include_self=False)

Walks through the categories index for context and per iteration, yields a child category, its depth relative to this category, and its child categories in a list that can be modified to alter the walking. When context is None, the default_context of the categories index is used. When context is all, all indices are traversed. When depth_first is True, iterate depth-first instead of the default breadth-first. When include_self is True, also yield this category instance with a depth of 0.

walk_channels(context=None, depth_first=False, include_self=False)

Walks through the channels index for context and per iteration, yields a child channel, its depth relative to this channel, and its child channels in a list that can be modified to alter the walking. When context is None, the default_context of the channels index is used. When context is all, all indices are traversed. When depth_first is True, iterate depth-first instead of the default breadth-first. When include_self is True, also yield this channel instance with a depth of 0.

walk_processes(context=None, depth_first=False, include_self=False)

Walks through the processes index for context and per iteration, yields a child process, its depth relative to this process, and its child processes in a list that can be modified to alter the walking. When context is None, the default_context of the processes index is used. When context is all, all indices are traversed. When depth_first is True, iterate depth-first instead of the default breadth-first. When include_self is True, also yield this process instance with a depth of 0.