Source code for order.unique

# coding: utf-8

Classes that define unique objects and the index to store them.

__all__ = [
    "UniqueObject", "UniqueObjectIndex",
    "DuplicateObjectException", "DuplicateNameException", "DuplicateIdException",

import collections
import warnings

import six

from order.mixins import CopyMixin
from order.util import typed, make_list, class_id, DotAccessProxy

_no_default = object()

_not_found = object()

[docs]class UniqueObjectMeta(type): """ Meta class definition for :py:class:`UniqueObject` that ammends the class dict for newly created classes. """ def __new__(meta_cls, class_name, bases, class_dict): # define a separate integer to remember the maximum id class_dict.setdefault("_max_id", 0) # create the class return super(UniqueObjectMeta, meta_cls).__new__(meta_cls, class_name, bases, class_dict)
[docs]class UniqueObjectIndex(CopyMixin): """ Index of :py:class:`UniqueObject` instances which are - as the name suggests - unique within this index, enabling fast lookups by either name or id. **Arguments** *cls* must be a subclass of :py:class:`UniqueObject`, which is used for type validation when a new object is added to the index. **Copy behavior** All attributes are copied, **except** for - the index of objects itself. **Example** .. code-block:: python import order as od idx = od.UniqueObjectIndex() foo = idx.add("foo", 1) bar = idx.add("bar", 2) len(idx) # -> 2 idx.get(1) == foo # -> True idx.add("foo", 3) # -> DuplicateNameException idx.add("test", 1) # -> DuplicateIdException idx.names() # -> ["foo", "bar"] idx.ids() # -> [1, 2] **Members** .. py:attribute:: cls type: :py:class:`UniqueObjectMeta` (read-only) Class of objects hold by this index. .. py:attribute:: n type: :py:class:`DotAccessProxy` (read-only) An object that provides simple attribute access to contained objects via name. """ copy_specs = [ {"attr": "_cls", "ref": True}, ] def __init__(self, cls, objects=None): CopyMixin.__init__(self) # set the cls using the typed parser self._cls = None self._cls = self.__class__.cls.fparse(self, cls) # create the index self._index = [] # add initial objects if objects is not None: self.extend(objects) # save a dot access proxy for easy access of objects via name self._n = DotAccessProxy(self.get) def _repr_parts(self): return [ ("cls", class_id(self.cls)), ("len", len(self)), ] def _repr_info(self): return ", ".join("{}={}".format(*pair) for pair in self._repr_parts()) def __repr__(self): """ Returns the unique string representation of the object index. """ return "<{} at {}, {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)), self._repr_info()) def __str__(self): """ Return a readable string representiation of the object index. """ return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._repr_info()) def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of objects in the index. """ return len(self._index) def __contains__(self, obj): """ Checks if an object is contained in the index. :py:meth:`has` is used internally. """ return self.has(obj) def __iter__(self): """ Iterates through the index and yields the contained objects (i.e. the *values*). """ for obj in self._index: yield obj def __nonzero__(self): """ Boolish conversion that depends on the number of objects in the index. """ return len(self) > 0 @typed(setter=False) def cls(self, cls): # cls parser if not issubclass(cls, UniqueObject): raise ValueError("not a sublcass of UniqueObject: {}".format(cls)) return cls @property def n(self): return self._n
[docs] def names(self): """ Returns the names of the contained objects in the index. """ return list( for obj in self._index)
[docs] def ids(self): """ Returns the ids of the contained objects in the index. """ return list( for obj in self._index)
[docs] def keys(self): """ Returns the (name, id) pairs of all objects contained in the index. """ return list((, for obj in self._index)
[docs] def values(self): """ Returns all objects contained in the index. """ return list(self._index)
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns (name, id, object) 3-tuples of all objects contained in the index """ return list((,, obj) for obj in self._index)
[docs] def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """ add(*args, overwrite=True, **kwargs) Adds a new object to the index. When the first *arg* is not an instance of *cls*, all *args* and *kwargs* are passed to the *cls* constructor to create a new object. The added object is returned. By default, in case an object with the same name or id was already registered before, it is overwritten by the new object. When *overwrite* is *False*, an exception is raised instead. """ overwrite = kwargs.pop("overwrite", False) # determine the object to add if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], self.cls): obj = args[0] else: obj = self.cls(*args, **kwargs) # check if obj is a duplicate and whether it should overwrite or cause an exception for _obj in self: if == if not overwrite: raise DuplicateNameException(self.cls, self.remove( break if == if not overwrite: raise DuplicateIdException(self.cls, self.remove( break # add to the index self._index.append(obj) return obj
[docs] def extend(self, objs, overwrite=False): """ Adds multiple new objects to the index. All elements of the sequence *objs*, as well as *overwrite*, are forwarded to :py:meth:`add` and the added objects are returned in a list. When an object is a dictionary or a tuple, it is expanded for the invocation of :py:meth:`add`. """ results = [] for obj in objs: if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = dict(obj) obj = self.add(overwrite=overwrite, **obj) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): obj = self.add(*obj, overwrite=overwrite) else: obj = self.add(obj, overwrite=overwrite) results.append(obj) return results
[docs] def get(self, obj, default=_no_default): """ get(obj, default=no_default) Returns an object that is stored in the index. *obj* might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance of *cls*. If *default* is given, it is used as the default return value if no such object could be found. Otherwise, an error is raised. """ # when it's already an object, do the lookup by it's name orig_obj = obj if isinstance(obj, self._cls): obj = for _obj in self: if obj in (, return _obj # default if default != _no_default: return default raise ValueError("object '{}' not known to index '{}'".format(orig_obj, self))
[docs] def get_first(self, default=_no_default): """ get_first(default=no_default) Returns the first object that is stored in the index. If *default* is given, it is used as the default return value if no object could be found. Otherwise, an exception is raised. """ if len(self) > 0: return self._index[0] # default if default != _no_default: return default raise ValueError("index does not contain any object")
[docs] def get_last(self, default=_no_default): """ get_last(default=no_default) Returns the last object that is stored in the index. If *default* is given, it is used as the default return value if no object could be found. Otherwise, an exception is raised. """ if len(self) > 0: return self._index[-1] # default if default != _no_default: return default raise ValueError("index does not contain any object")
[docs] def has(self, obj): """ Checks if an object is contained in the index. *obj* might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance of the wrapped *cls*. """ return self.get(obj, default=_not_found) != _not_found
[docs] def index(self, obj): """ Returns the position of an object in the index. *obj* might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance of *cls*. When the object is not found in the index, an exception is raised. """ obj = self.get(obj) return self._index.index(obj)
[docs] def remove(self, obj, silent=False): """ Removes an object from the index. *obj* might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance of *cls*. Returns the removed object. Unless *silent* is *True*, an exception is raised if the object could not be found. """ obj = self.get(obj, default=_not_found) if obj != _not_found: self._index.remove(obj) return obj # no object removed at this point if silent: return None raise ValueError("object '{}' not known to index '{}'".format(obj, self))
[docs] def clear(self): """ Removes all objects from the index. """ for name in self.names(): self.remove(name)
[docs]class UniqueObject(six.with_metaclass(UniqueObjectMeta)): """ An unique object defined by a *name* and an *id*. The purpose of this class is to provide a simple interface for objects that 1. are used programatically and should therefore have a unique, human-readable name, and 2. have a unique identifier that can be saved to files, such as (e.g.) ROOT trees. Both, *name* and *id* should have unique values within a certain :py:class:`UniqueObjectIndex`. **Arguments** *name* and *id* initialize the same-named attributes. **Example** .. code-block:: python import order as od foo = od.UniqueObject("foo", 1), # -> "foo", 1 # name and id must be strictly string and integer types, respectively od.UniqueObject(123, 1) # -> TypeError: invalid name: 123 UniqueObject("foo", "mystring") # -> TypeError: invalid id: mystring # unique objects can als be compared by name and id foo == 1 # -> True bar == "bar" # -> True foo == bar # -> False # automatically use the next highest possible id obj = UniqueObject("baz", id=UniqueObject.AUTO_ID) # same as "+" # -> 2 # 1 is the previous maximum id **Members** .. py:classattribute:: cls_name_singular type: str The name of the unique object class in singular form, e.g. for producing automatic messages. .. py:classattribute:: cls_name_plural type: str The name of the unique object class in plural form, e.g. for producing automatic messages. .. py:attribute:: name type: str (read-only) The unique name. .. py:attribute:: id type: int (read-only) The unique id. """ cls_name_singular = "unique_object" cls_name_plural = "unique_objects" AUTO_ID = "+" copy_specs = [] def __init__(self, name, id): super(UniqueObject, self).__init__() # register empty attributes self._name = None self._id = None # set initial values = name = id def _repr_parts(self): return [ ("name",, ("id",, ] def _repr_info(self): return ", ".join("{}={}".format(*pair) for pair in self._repr_parts()) def __repr__(self): """ Returns the unique string representation of the unique object. """ return "<{} at {}, {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)), self._repr_info()) def __str__(self): """ Returns a readable string representiation of the unique object. """ return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._repr_info()) def __hash__(self): """ Returns the unique hash of the unique object. """ return hash(self.__repr__()) def __eq__(self, other): """ Compares *other* to this instance. When *other* is a string (integer), the comparison is *True* when it matches the *name* (*id*) if this instance. When *other* is a unique object as well, the comparison is *True* when *__class__*, *name* and *id* match. All other cases evaluate to *False*. """ if isinstance(other, six.string_types): return == other if isinstance(other, six.integer_types): return == other if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return == and == return False def __ne__(self, other): """ Opposite of :py:meth:`__eq__`. """ return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other): """ Returns *True* when the id of this instance is lower than an *other* one. *other* can either be an integer or a unique object of the same class. """ if isinstance(other, six.integer_types): return < other if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return < return False def __le__(self, other): """ Returns *True* when the id of this instance is lower than or equal to an *other* one. *other* can either be an integer or a unique object of the same class. """ if isinstance(other, six.integer_types): return <= other if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return <= return False def __gt__(self, other): """ Returns *True* when the id of this instance is greater than an *other* one. *other* can either be an integer or a unique object of the same class. """ if isinstance(other, six.integer_types): return > other if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return > return False def __ge__(self, other): """ Returns *True* when the id of this instance is greater than or qual to an *other* one. *other* can either be an integer or a unique object of the same class. """ if isinstance(other, six.integer_types): return >= other if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return >= return False @typed def name(self, name): # name parser if not isinstance(name, six.string_types): raise TypeError("invalid name type: {}".format(name)) return str(name) @typed def id(self, id): # id parser if id == self.AUTO_ID: self.__class__._max_id += 1 id = self.__class__._max_id elif isinstance(id, six.integer_types): if id > self.__class__._max_id: self.__class__._max_id = id else: raise TypeError("invalid id type: {}".format(id)) return int(id)
[docs]def unique_tree(**kwargs): r""" unique_tree(cls=None, parents=1, deep_children=False, deep_parents=False, skip=None) Decorator that adds attributes and methods to the decorated class to provide tree features, i.e., *parent-child* relations. Example: .. code-block:: python @unique_tree() class MyNode(UniqueObject): cls_name_singular = "node" cls_name_plural = "nodes" # now, MyNode has the following attributes and methods: # nodes, parent_nodes, # has_node(), has_parent_node(), # add_node(), add_parent_node(), # remove_node(), remove_parent_node(), # walk_nodes(), walk_parent_nodes(), # get_node(), get_parent_node(), # has_nodes, has_parent_nodes, # is_leaf_node, is_root_node c1 = MyNode("nodeA", 1) c2 = c1.add_node("nodeB", 2) c1.has_node(2) # -> True c2.has_parent_node("nodeA") # -> True c2.remove_parent_node(c1) c2.has_parent_node("nodeA") # -> False *cls* denotes the type of instances the tree should hold and defaults to the decorated class itself. When *parents* is *False*, the additional features are reduced to provide only child relations. When *parents* is an integer, it is interpreted as the maximim number of parents a child can have. Negative numbers mean that an unlimited amount of parents is allowed. Additional convenience methods are added when *parents* is *True* or exactly 1. When *deep_children* (*deep_parents*) is *True*, *get_\** and *has_\** child (parent) methods will have recursive features. When *skip* is a sequence, it can contain names of attributes to skip that would normally be created. A class can be decorated multiple times. Internally, the objects are stored in a separated :py:class:`UniqueObjectIndex` instance per added tree functionality. Doc strings are automatically created. """ def decorator(decorated_cls): if not issubclass(decorated_cls, UniqueObject): raise TypeError( "decorated class must inherit from UniqueObject: {}".format(decorated_cls), ) # determine configuration defaults cls = kwargs.get("cls", decorated_cls) parents = kwargs.get("parents", 1) deep_children = kwargs.get("deep_children", False) deep_parents = kwargs.get("deep_parents", False) skip = make_list(kwargs.get("skip", None) or []) # singular and plural names singular = cls.cls_name_singular plural = cls.cls_name_plural # special treatment of parents if not isinstance(parents, six.integer_types): parents = bool(parents) if isinstance(parents, bool): parents = int(parents) # parents are logically possible only when the decorated and tree class are identical if parents and decorated_cls != cls: raise TypeError( "when parents are enabled, decorated class and tree class must be " "identical, found {} and {}".format(decorated_cls, cls), ) # decorator for registering new instance methods with proper name and doc string # functionality is almost similar to functools.wraps, except for the customized function # naming and automatic transfer to the unique_class to extend def patch(name=None, prop=False, **kwargs): def decorator(f): _name = name if _name is not None and hasattr(f, "__name__"): f.__name__ = _name elif _name is None and hasattr(f, "__name__"): _name = f.__name__ if f.__doc__: f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.format( name=_name, singular=singular, plural=plural, **kwargs # noqa: C815 ) if prop: f = property(f) # only patch when there is not attribute with that name if not hasattr(decorated_cls, _name) and _name not in skip: setattr(decorated_cls, _name, f) return f return decorator # patch the init method orig_init = decorated_cls.__init__ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # register the child index child_index = UniqueObjectIndex(cls=cls) setattr(self, "_" + plural, child_index) # register the child index if parents: parent_index = UniqueObjectIndex(cls=cls) setattr(self, "_parent_" + plural, parent_index) # call the original inint orig_init(self, *args, **kwargs) decorated_cls.__init__ = __init__ # add info about children, parents and whether they are deep if getattr(decorated_cls, "_child_classes", None) is None: decorated_cls._child_classes = [] if getattr(decorated_cls, "_parent_classes", None) is None: decorated_cls._parent_classes = [] if getattr(decorated_cls, "_deep_parent_classes", None) is None: decorated_cls._deep_parent_classes = [] if getattr(decorated_cls, "_deep_child_classes", None) is None: decorated_cls._deep_child_classes = [] decorated_cls._child_classes.append(cls) if deep_children: decorated_cls._deep_child_classes.append(cls) if parents: decorated_cls._parent_classes.append(cls) if deep_parents: decorated_cls._deep_child_classes.append(cls) # add attribute docs if decorated_cls.__doc__: decorated_cls.__doc__ += """ .. py:attribute:: {plural} type: :py:class:`UniqueObjectIndex` (read-only) The :py:class:`~order.unique.UniqueObjectIndex` of child {plural}. """.format(plural=plural) if parents: decorated_cls.__doc__ += """ .. py:attribute:: parent_{plural} type: :py:class:`UniqueObjectIndex` (read-only) The :py:class:`~order.unique.UniqueObjectIndex` of parent {plural}. """.format(plural=plural) # # helpers for child and parent methods # # extend helper def _extend(self, add_fn, index, objs, overwrite=True): results = [] for obj in objs: if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = dict(obj) obj = add_fn(overwrite=overwrite, **obj) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): obj = add_fn(*obj, overwrite=overwrite) else: obj = add_fn(obj, overwrite=overwrite) results.append(obj) return results # clear helper def _clear(self, remove_fn, index): for name in index.names(): remove_fn(name) # walk helper def _walk(self, next_fn, algo="bfs", depth_first=False, include_self=False): # handle cases where the deprecated depth_first argument is used if depth_first: if algo != "bfs": raise Exception( "using both 'algo' and 'depth_first' arguments is ambiguous; " + "'depth_first' is deprecated; use 'algo=\"{}\" instead'".format(algo), ) warnings.warn( "the 'depth_first' attribute is deprecated; use 'algo=\"dfs\"' instead'", DeprecationWarning, ) algo = "dfs" # check the algo if algo == "dfs" or algo == "dfs_pre": algo = "dfs_preorder" elif algo == "dfs_post": algo = "dfs_postorder" known_algos = ["bfs", "dfs_preorder", "dfs_postorder"] if algo not in known_algos: _known_algos = ", ".join(map("'{}'".format, known_algos)) raise ValueError( "unknown traversel order '{}', should be one of {}".format(algo, _known_algos), ) lookup = collections.deque([(self, 0)]) visited = set() while lookup: obj, depth = lookup[0] if obj in visited: lookup.popleft() continue objs = list(next_fn(obj)) if algo == "dfs_postorder" and any(_obj not in visited for _obj in objs): lookup.extendleft((obj, depth + 1) for obj in reversed(objs)) continue if depth > 0 or include_self: yield (obj, depth, objs) visited.add(obj) lookup.popleft() if algo == "dfs_preorder": lookup.extendleft((obj, depth + 1) for obj in reversed(objs)) elif algo == "bfs": lookup.extend((obj, depth + 1) for obj in objs) # # child methods, independent of parents # # direct child index access @patch() @typed(setter=False, name=plural) def get_index(self): pass # has children property @patch("has_" + plural, prop=True) def has_index(self): """ Returns *True* when this {singular} has child {plural}, *False* otherwise. """ return len(getattr(self, plural)) > 0 # is leaf property @patch("is_leaf_" + singular, prop=True) def is_leaf(self): """ Returns *True* when this {singular} has no child {plural}, *False* otherwise. """ return len(getattr(self, plural)) == 0 if not deep_children: # has child method @patch("has_" + singular) def has(self, obj): """ Checks if the :py:attr:`{plural}` index contains an *obj* which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance. """ return getattr(self, plural).has(obj) # get child method @patch("get_" + singular) def get(self, obj, default=_no_default): """ get_{singular}(obj, default=no_default) Returns a child {singular} given by *obj*, which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index. When no {singular} is found, *default* is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. """ return getattr(self, plural).get(obj, default=default) else: # deep_children # has child method @patch("has_" + singular) def has(self, obj, deep=True): """ Checks if the :py:attr:`{plural}` index contains an *obj* which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance. If *deep* is *True*, the lookup is recursive through potentially nested child {plural}. """ return getattr(self, "get_" + singular)( obj, default=_not_found, deep=deep, ) != _not_found # get child method @patch("get_" + singular) def get(self, obj, deep=True, default=_no_default): """ get_{singular}(obj, deep=True, default=no_default) Returns a child {singular} given by *obj*, which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index. If *deep* is *True*, the lookup is recursive through potentially nested child {plural}. When no {singular} is found, *default* is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. """ indexes = [getattr(self, plural)] while len(indexes) > 0: index = indexes.pop(0) _obj = index.get(obj, default=_not_found) if _obj != _not_found: return _obj if deep: indexes.extend(getattr(_obj, plural) for _obj in index) # default if default != _no_default: return default raise ValueError("unknown {}: {}".format(singular, obj)) # walk children method @patch("walk_" + plural) def walk(self, algo="bfs", depth_first=False, include_self=False): """ Walks through the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and per iteration, yields a child {singular}, its depth relative to *this* {singular}, and its child {plural} in a list that can be modified to alter the walking. The traversal order is defined by *algo* which allows different values (more `info <>`__): - ``"bfs"``: Breadth-first search. - ``"dfs_preorder"``: Pre-order depth-first search. - ``"dfs_postorder"``: Post-order depth-first search. - ``"dfs"``: Alias for ``"dfs_preorder"``. - ``"dfs_pre"``: Alias for ``"dfs_preorder"``. - ``"dfs_post"``: Alias for ``"dfs_postorder"``. When *include_self* is *True*, this {singular} instance is yielded as well with a depth of 0. """ return _walk( self, (lambda obj: getattr(obj, plural).values()), algo=algo, depth_first=depth_first, include_self=include_self, ) # get leaves method @patch("get_leaf_" + plural) def get_leaves(self): """ Returns all child {plural} from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index that have no child {plural} themselves in a recursive fashion. Possible duplicates due to nested structures are removed. """ leaves = [] for obj, _, objs in getattr(self, "walk_" + plural)(): if not objs and obj not in leaves: leaves.append(obj) return leaves # # child methods, disabled parents # if parents == 0: # add child method @patch("add_" + singular) def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Adds a child {singular} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns it. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.add` for more info. """ return getattr(self, plural).add(*args, **kwargs) # extend children @patch("extend_" + plural) def extend(self, objs): """ Adds multiple child {plural} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns the added objects in a list. """ _extend(self, getattr(self, "add_" + singular), getattr(self, plural), objs) # remove child method @patch("remove_" + singular) def remove(self, obj, silent=False): """ Removes a child {singular} given by *obj*, which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns the removed object. Unless *silent* is *True*, an error is raised if the object was not found. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.remove` for more info. """ return getattr(self, plural).remove(obj, silent=silent) # clear children @patch("clear_" + plural) def clear(self): """ Removes all child {plural} from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index. """ _clear(self, getattr(self, "remove_" + singular), getattr(self, plural)) # # child methods, enabled parents # else: # parents != 0 # remove child method @patch("remove_" + singular) def remove(self, obj, silent=False): """ Removes a child {singular} given by *obj*, which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns the removed object. Also removes *this* {singular} from the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index of the removed {singular}. Unless *silent* is *True*, an error is raised if the object was not found. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.remove` for more info. """ obj = getattr(self, plural).remove(obj, silent=silent) if obj is not None: getattr(obj, "parent_" + plural).remove(self, silent=silent) return obj # clear children @patch("clear_" + plural) def clear(self): """ Removes all child {plural} from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index. Also removes *this* {singular} instance from the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index of all removed {plural}. """ _clear(self, getattr(self, "remove_" + singular), getattr(self, plural)) # # child methods, enabled but limited number of parents # if parents >= 1: # add child method with limited number of parents @patch("add_" + singular) def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Adds a child {singular} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns it. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index of the added {singular}. An exception is raised when the number of allowed parents of a child {singular} is exceeded. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.add` for more info. """ index = getattr(self, plural) obj = index.add(*args, **kwargs) parent_index = getattr(obj, "parent_" + plural) if len(parent_index) >= parents: index.remove(obj) raise Exception("number of parents exceeded: {}".format(parents)) parent_index.add(self) return obj # extend children @patch("extend_" + plural) def extend(self, objs): """ Adds multiple child {plural} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns the added objects in a list. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index of the added {singular}. An exception is raised when the number of allowed parents of a child {singular} is exceeded. """ _extend(self, getattr(self, "add_" + singular), getattr(self, plural), objs) # # child methods, enabled and unlimited number of parents # else: # parents < 0 # add child method with infinite number of parents @patch("add_" + singular) def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Adds a child {singular} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns it. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index of the added {singular}. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.add` for more info. """ obj = getattr(self, plural).add(*args, **kwargs) getattr(obj, "parent_" + plural).add(self) return obj # extend children @patch("extend_" + plural) def extend(self, objs): """ Adds multiple child {plural} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index and returns the added objects in a list. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index of the added {singular}. """ _extend(self, getattr(self, "add_" + singular), getattr(self, plural), objs) # # parent methods, independent of number # # direct parent index access @patch() # noqa: F811 @typed(setter=False, name="parent_" + plural) def get_index(self): # noqa: F811 pass # has parent index property @patch("has_parent_" + plural, prop=True) def has_parent_index(self): """ Returns *True* when this {singular} has parent {plural}, *False* otherwise. """ return len(getattr(self, "parent_" + plural)) > 0 # is_root property @patch("is_root_" + singular, prop=True) def is_root(self): """ Returns *True* when this {singular} has no parent {plural}, *False* otherwise. """ return len(getattr(self, "parent_" + plural)) == 0 # clear parents @patch("clear_parent_" + plural) # noqa: F811 def clear(self): # noqa: F811 """ Removes all parent {plural} from the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index. Also removes *this* {singular} instance from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index of all removed {singular}. """ _clear( self, getattr(self, "remove_parent_" + singular), getattr(self, "parent_" + plural), ) if not deep_parents: @patch("has_parent_" + singular) # noqa: F811 def has(self, obj): # noqa: F811 """ Checks if the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index contains an *obj* which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance. """ return getattr(self, "parent_" + plural).has(obj) # get child method @patch("get_parent_" + singular) # noqa: F811 def get(self, obj, default=_no_default): # noqa: F811 """ get_parent_{singular}(obj, default=no_default) Returns a parent {singular} given by *obj*, which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance from the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index. When no {singular} is found, *default* is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. """ return getattr(self, "parent_" + plural).get(obj, default=default) else: # deep_parents # has child method @patch("has_parent_" + singular) def has(self, obj, deep=True): """ Checks if the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index contains an *obj*, which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance. If *deep* is *True*, the lookup is recursive through potentially nested parent {plural}. """ return getattr(self, "get_parent_" + singular)( obj, default=_not_found, deep=deep, ) != _not_found # get parent method @patch("get_parent_" + singular) def get(self, obj, deep=True, default=_no_default): """ get_parent_{singular}(obj, deep=True, default=no_default) Returns a parent {singular} given by *obj*, which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance from the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index. If *deep* is *True*, the lookup is recursive through potentially nested parent {plural}. When no {singular} is found, *default* is returned when set. Otherwise, an error is raised. """ indexes = [getattr(self, "parent_" + plural)] while len(indexes) > 0: index = indexes.pop(0) _obj = index.get(obj, default=_not_found) if _obj != _not_found: return _obj if deep: indexes.extend(getattr(_obj, "parent_" + plural) for _obj in index) # default if default != _no_default: return default raise ValueError("unknown {}: {}".format(singular, obj)) # walk parents method @patch("walk_parent_" + plural) # noqa: F811 def walk(self, algo="bfs", depth_first=False, include_self=False): # noqa: F811 """ Walks through the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index and per iteration, yields a parent {singular}, its depth relative to *this* {singular}, and its parent {plural} in a list that can be modified to alter the walking. The traversal order is defined by *algo* which allows different values (more `info <>`__): - ``"bfs"``: Breadth-first search. - ``"dfs_preorder"``: Pre-order depth-first search. - ``"dfs_postorder"``: Post-order depth-first search. - ``"dfs"``: Alias for ``"dfs_preorder"``. - ``"dfs_pre"``: Alias for ``"dfs_preorder"``. - ``"dfs_post"``: Alias for ``"dfs_postorder"``. When *include_self* is *True*, this {singular} instance is yielded as well with a depth of 0. """ return _walk( self, (lambda obj: getattr(obj, "parent_" + plural).values()), algo=algo, depth_first=depth_first, include_self=include_self, ) # get roots method @patch("get_root_" + plural) def get_roots(self): """ Returns all parent {plural} from the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index that have no parent {plural} themselves in a recursive fashion. Possible duplicates due to nested structures are removed. """ roots = [] for obj, _, objs in getattr(self, "walk_parent_" + plural)(): if not objs and obj not in roots: roots.append(obj) return roots # # parent methods, exactly 1 parent # if parents == 1: # direct parent access @patch(name="parent_" + singular, prop=True) def parent(self): index = getattr(self, "parent_" + plural) if len(index) != 1: return None return list(index.values())[0] # remove parent method @patch("remove_parent_" + singular) # noqa: F811 def remove(self, obj=None, silent=False): # noqa: F811 """ Removes the parent {singular} *obj* the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index. When *obj* is not *None*, it can be a *name*, *id*, or an instance referring to the parent {singular} for validation purposes. Also removes *this* instance from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index of the removed parent {singular}. Returns the removed object. Unless *silent* is *True*, an error is raised if the object was not found. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.remove` for more info. """ if obj is None: obj = getattr(self, "parent_" + singular) obj = getattr(self, "parent_" + plural).remove(obj, silent=silent) if obj is not None: getattr(obj, plural).remove(self, silent=silent) return obj # # parent methods, more than 1 parent # else: # parents != 1 # remove parent method @patch("remove_parent_" + singular) # noqa: F811 def remove(self, obj, silent=False): """ Removes a parent {singular} *obj* which might be a *name*, *id*, or an instance from the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index. Also removes *this* instance from the :py:attr:`{plural}` index of the removed parent {singular}. Returns the removed object. Unless *silent* is *True*, an error is raised if the object was not found. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.remove` for more info. """ obj = getattr(self, "parent_" + plural).remove(obj, silent=silent) if obj is not None: getattr(obj, plural).remove(self, silent=silent) return obj # # parent methods, limited number # if parents >= 1: # add parent method with limited number of parents @patch("add_parent_" + singular) # noqa: F811 def add(self, *args, **kwargs): # noqa: F811 """ Adds a parent {singular} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index and returns it. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index of the added {singular}. An exception is raised when the number of allowed parents is exceeded. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.add` for more info. """ parent_index = getattr(self, "parent_" + plural) if len(parent_index) >= parents: raise Exception("number of parents exceeded: {}".format(parents)) obj = parent_index.add(*args, **kwargs) getattr(obj, plural).add(self) return obj # extend parents @patch("extend_parent_" + plural) # noqa: F811 def extend(self, objs): # noqa: F811 """ Adds multiple parent {plural} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index and returns the added objects in a list. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index of the added {singular}. An exception is raised when the number of allowed parent {plural} is exceeded. """ _extend( self, getattr(self, "add_parent_" + singular), getattr(self, "parent_" + plural), objs, ) # # parent methods, limited number # else: # parents < 0 # add parent method with unlimited number of parents @patch("add_parent_" + singular) def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Adds a parent {singular} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index and returns it. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index of the added {singular}. See :py:meth:`UniqueObjectIndex.add` for more info. """ obj = getattr(self, "parent_" + plural).add(*args, **kwargs) getattr(obj, plural).add(self) return obj # extend parents @patch("extend_parent_" + plural) def extend(self, objs): """ Adds multiple parent {plural} to the :py:attr:`parent_{plural}` index and returns the added objects in a list. Also adds *this* {singular} to the :py:attr:`{plural}` index of the added {singular}. """ _extend( self, getattr(self, "add_parent_" + singular), getattr(self, "parent_" + plural), objs, ) return decorated_cls return decorator
class DuplicateObjectException(Exception): """ Base class for exceptions that are raised when a duplicate of a unique object is encountered. """ class DuplicateNameException(DuplicateObjectException): """ An exception which is raised when a duplicate object, identified by its name, is encountered. """ def __init__(self, cls, name): super(DuplicateNameException, self).__init__( "duplicate '{}.{}' object with name '{}' encountered".format( cls.__module__, cls.__name__, name), ) class DuplicateIdException(DuplicateObjectException): """ An exception which is raised when a duplicate object, identified by its id, is encountered. """ def __init__(self, cls, id): super(DuplicateIdException, self).__init__( "duplicate '{}.{}' object with id '{}' encountered".format( cls.__module__, cls.__name__, id), )